In the era of mobile phones, there could be nothing more appropriate than the bulk messaging to stay connected with your customers. Here are ten uses for bulk SMS in your SME.
It is fast
When you send SMS, it reaches instantly. Also, it is read instantly. Statistics prove that around 98 percent messages are opened by the recipients. It is quite an impressive percentage.
It hits point-blank
Bulk SMS helps you to scrimp and save on marketing communication because it guarantees 100 success rates. You don’t wonder whether it reached the target customer base or not. It is accurate and precise.
Amazing convenience
Bulk SMS gives great convenience to the SMEs. You can remain in touch with your clients or customers. You inform about the latest things, offers, and other important information.
One size fits all
Bulk messaging servers are scaled to meet the needs of all customers because it is a lightweight application. Whether you wish to address 20,000 customers or 200,000 customers; the same server can do it flawlessly.
High penetration
Since you are a Small and Medium Enterprise, you would like to maximize the use of bulk messaging. Here is good news for you. SMS can reach out to every customer regardless of registered in the DND directory or not.
Flexible pricing
Bulk messaging service providers are greatly flexible as far as pricing and service conditions are concerned. They offer a variety of plans to the clients. The plans are based on target customer base, the frequency of messaging and competitive scenario. More or less, the service conditions are in favor of the clients due to the volatility and competition in the business. It makes bulk messaging further effective.
Incredible flexibility
It is quite easy to hire a service provider for bulk messaging and to formulate the service contract. Amazing flexibility and adaptability make it a great marketing tool. You can deliver the message to a big lot of customers in virtually zero lead time. Also, it is quite easy and cost-effective to change the marketing communication or target market.
High ROI
Sending bulk messages is much inexpensive than publishing ads in the newspapers, launching TV campaign or doing outdoor publicity. It offers high business impact in low operating costs. You can contact hundreds or thousands of customers by paying merely a few bucks. Hence, the Return On Investment’ or ROI is pretty impressive.
Targeted and focused communication
When you are into SME business, you have to find every possible way of saving money. The margins are so narrow that you can’t afford to waste resources. Thankfully, bulk SMS service offers highly targeted services where every recipient is either in a relationship with your business or agrees to receive notifications from you.
Personal touch
When you run a small business, it is possible to keep a personal touch with the customers. Bulk SMS service providers customize the message in such a way that the recipient connects to it well. You can alter the tone and message as per the demographic and buying behavior. Isn’t it an exciting way of communicating with the customers?