Why is there so much Gung-Ho about bulk messaging? Well, it is a handy tool for everyone; from startup to big corporates. With its effectiveness, the ability to grab the attention of the user, and low cost; bulk SMS services has become a prominent tool for publicity, spreading awareness and customer communication. When every industry is reaping the benefits of it, how can the education sector be a laggard? Nowadays, educational institutes are using the bulk SMS facility successfully for establishing their name in the competitive market scenario. As everyday a new service provider is emerging into the market, it becomes all the more critical to find out a legitimate and fast service provider that can deliver the messages reliably and quickly.
Schools, colleges, training centers, coaching institutes, professional colleges, and universities; all are using bulk SMS as the communication tool.
Mobile technology makes it easy and convenient
The advancement in mobile technology bridges the communication gap between parents and educational institute. Whether it is a kid’s school or university, bulk SMS can be used for conveying information, sending intimations, inviting people or acknowledging the transactions. This flexible platform has replaced the conventional communication channels between the educational institute and students.
Benefits of using bulk SMS
Sending reminders: By using bulk SMS, the institute can send reminders about registration, fee deposit, assignment submission deadlines, exam dates, extracurricular activities and so on.
Handling queries: By using the bulk SMS facility, the institute can interactively handle student queries. The SMS service is reasonably priced. Hence, it doesn’t cause any significant financial burden.
Handling attendance: Parents are very much concerned about the presence of their wards. Many times, the student is not allowed to appear in the examination if the attendance is below a certain limit. If there is no mechanism of knowing the attendance, the parents don’t have any control over it. Bulk SMS can be used to keep them updated about the attendance status.
For internal communication:The bulk SMS can be used quite effectively for sending internal communication to the student. It keeps the students, teachers, and parents on the same page. Since SMS doesn’t need any Internet connectivity, it always reaches to the recipient instantly.
Thus, it is evident that an educational institute can get significantly benefited by the bulk SMS facility. It is a highly useful and cost-effective mode of communication.